Ona Walker | Supervisor | (205) 665-6170 | walkerow@yopin365.com
- Maintenance of entrances, corridors, bathrooms and hard surface floors in all academic/administrative buildings and residence halls
- Daily wet mopping of hallways and common areas
- Daily vacuuming and semi-annual shampooing of carpeted floors in all buildings
- Daily stocking and cleaning of all bathrooms, locker rooms and showers
- Hard surface flooring scrubbed/refinished as needed
Departmental Charges
Services that are required of custodial staff that are not part of their normal maintenance routine will occur a charge. These services include: cleanup after department and club special events, cleanup after athletic events that occur outside normal custodial work hours, and cleanup associated with vandalism in residence halls.
Minimum $23.50 and $23.50 per additional employee hour.